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Richard Merk Banshee Squadron 2.0
Q'Thalas Past and present collide for Captain Nathan Cross and the former pilots of Banshee Squadron when eerily similar distress signals pull them into confrontations with an unthinkable enemy. What really happened to Matthew Cross? Who is really to blame? And is it happening again?
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Alex Lampe Ships of the Fleet: Anthology
Fallen Heroes - Part I - Chapter III What began as a diplomatic meeting turned out to be an outright nightmare. As the nearby small Federation fleet sends in hordes of armed troops, it becomes clear that the space station is literally swarming with Altonoids. While most Starfleet officers continue their desperate struggle to retake the station, Captain Rinckes is on a mission of his own: he has to find his First Officer, before the Altonoids find her.
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Travis Cannon Pioneer
Star Trek: Pioneer - 3.27 - Unwelcomed Visitors The crew of the Pioneer begin to have lapses in concentration. Crew members start to report to sickbay with strange symptoms. Dr. Braga’s conclusion is that the symptoms were not created by anything on the ship, rather appear to be experiments. Braxis reports feelings the presence of another being. Tracy feels it, too. She remembers hearing the very same voices somewhere else... on Tealu.
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Travis Cannon Pioneer
Star Trek: Pioneer - 3.26 - The Teacher Admiral Hayes, the Starfleet Commander, has died. Captain Kelsoe and the Pioneer are recalled to Earth, where Captain Kelsoe, along with other high ranking captain and admirals, must select the new Starfleet Commander. The two leading candidates are Admiral Anton and Admiral McCloud.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard, being one of the most senior ranking captains, is also in attendance, but he is supporting Admiral McCloud. Along the way Kelsoe runs into a past flame. Can Kelsoe persuade his mentor of vote for Admiral Anton and deal with his past romance at the same time?
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Gabrielle Lawson Deep Space Nine
Oswiecim A Klingon ship with a Cardassian Registry runs at the station and then veers off toward Earth. The Defiant must follow. Unknowingly carrying a changeling infiltrator. Just as the ship nears Earth, it changes course and heads right for the sun: A trip that takes it four centuries into the past. The Defiant, again, must follow to insure the timeline is secure.
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