Author Profile
Travis Anderson
I endeavor to view the Trek universe from a slightly different angle. I turn old conventions on their head, such as a Klingon doctor, a mentally unstable Vulcan, an engineer struggling to come out of the closet and a captain with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Neither here nor thereEnglish
arcane scribbings and neurotic social commentaryM
Travis Anderson
Special Investigations Division
Odyssey - Part 8 - Collapse
(Conclusion) After the U.S.S. Odyssey came to her demise in orbit of Earth, Captian Macen and crew leap to the aid of the U.S.S. Enterprise to keep Section 31 from owning the Federation.
On Site

Travis Anderson
Special Investigations Division
Odyssey - Part 7 - Flight
(Part 7 of 8) With the intelligence from the Gulag, Captian Macen races to Earth. However forces bent on destruction work to keep him from delivering his message.
On Site

Travis Anderson
Special Investigations Division
Odyssey - Part 6 - Dislocation
The assault on the Gulag continues and Captain Brin Macen comes to the realization that this mission may rip his ship and crew apart.
On Site

Travis Anderson
Special Investigations Division
Uprising (15 - 19)
Brin Macen just about looses it when he discovers yet another Section 31 agent among his crew. But for Brin, that is how he likes to live. Now it is time for action.
On Site

Travis Anderson
Special Investigations Division
Odyssey - Part 4 - Treaties
(Part 4 of 8) Captain Brin Macen must find a way out of the Romulan Warbird before it self-distructs, can he trust his Romulan captive for help?
On Site

Star Trek fan fiction at Trek Writer's Guild
Travis Anderson
Special Investigations Division
Odyssey - Part 3 - Entanglements
(Part 3 of 8) When Captain Picard and Captain Brin Macen come face to face, their biggest concern isn't each other. What separates them may be more trouble than the whole Romulan fleet.
On Site

Travis Anderson
Special Investigations Division
Uprising (10 - 14)
Daggit returns to covert duty to infiltrate the Orion Syndicate, T'Kir and Kort butt heads while left alone, and Macen finds that you can't ever go home.
On Site

Travis Anderson
Special Investigations Division
Uprising (parts 6 - 9)
Captain Macen comes face to face with the Renegade Captain Spencer - and it won't be a war or words.
On Site

Travis Anderson
Special Investigations Division
Uprising - Parts 3, 4, and 5
Three starships *lost* in the battle for Betazed have reappeared, only they've also become pirate vessels. It swiftly becomes a case stretching from the Orion Syndicate to Cardassia Prime.
On Site

Travis Anderson
Special Investigations Division
Uprising - Parts 1 and 2
Uprising - fresh on the heels of their success dealing with the Gulag, the newly formed Special Investigations Division takes on their first case. Three starships 'lost' in the battle for Betazed have reappeared, only they've also become pirate vessels. It swiftly becomes a case stretching from the Orion Syndicate to Cardassia Prime.
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2025-03-24 07:05
Series Spotlight

Evil Must Be Opposed.
-- Vedek Yassim,

(DS9: Rocks and Shoals)
Trek Writer's Guild and stand against internet censorship.
Launched December 2004, (Version 1.0) is a readers resource from Trek Writer's Guild. This website is a collaboration between the many TWG/SotF authors and Mediaboy Productions. All stories are original and copyrighted by the respective authors under United States law, as well as every other country that matters. (Including Canada) All graphics are original and copyrighted, either separately or collaborativly, by Mediaboy Productions and/or others as specified. The stories and graphics on this site may not be copied, reprinted, or reposted without express and written permission of the original creators. Trek Writer's Guild is in no way affiliated with Paramount Pictures Inc. Star Trek : Enterprise ( Archer T'Pol Reed Tucker Hoshi ), Star Trek ( Kirk Spock Bones McCoy Scotty Enterprise ), Star Trek: The Next Generation ( Picard Data Riker Worf Enterprise ), Star Trek: Deep Space Nine ( Sisko Dax O'Brian Odo Quark Kira Defiant ), Star Trek: Voyager ( Voyager Janeway Chakotay Tuvok Paris Torres Be'lanna Neelix Seven of Nine ) are property and copyright of Paramount Pictures Inc. These properties are used in good faith by the authors of Trek Writer's Guild, to further the human adventure through positive storytelling.