Author Profile |
name |
Joseph Manno
I'm ex-military, educated as a Catholic theologian, argumentative, eloquent, pudgy, and gradually learning more tolerance. |
location | language |
Tobyhanna, Pennsylvania | English |
hobby | gender |
Isn't it apparent? | M |
age |
39 |
Joseph Manno USS Liberty
Old Wounds Of all the hats Commander Sera MacLeod has worn, that of mediator is least welcome, but perhaps most needed—as new executive officer T'Laris makes clear that neither conformity nor ... ahem ... uniformity is high on her list of priorities. Meanwhile, Brett King's remain unchanged—with the same degree of success.
Off Site 2006.01.31
Joseph Manno USS Liberty
All's Fair They say you never forget, or in some cases forgive, your first love. Now an uncertain Vaerth Parihn has the opportunity to learn if that axiom is true, when she accompanies Luciano Mantovanni to visit the one woman he's never gotten out of his heart: Retired Fleet Captain Angela Martine.
Off Site 2004.06.20
Joseph Manno USS Liberty
Tiger by the Toe The newly-promoted Captain Bagheer, en route to his new assignment aboard USS Sacramento, faces either the greatest challenge of his career, or the smallest---depending on your perspective, of course. Things like this, after all, don't seem to happen to those other captains; life is just not fair.
Off Site 2003.10.25
Joseph Manno USS Liberty
Pyrrhus' Lament TALES OF THE 13th FLEET, Book Five, finds Mantovanni and company weathering the consequences of their generosity with the Trevari, as the Cardassians force an engagement more demanding than the diminished battle group can afford. And, so far from help and home, the first lost battle will be the last.
Off Site 2003.06.22
Joseph Manno USS Liberty
Vice and Virtue Serutian Hale is playing catch-up: With her studies; with her understanding of life's little ironies; and, mostly, with the handsome captain sitting across the room in her Advanced Tactical Training class. That doesn't mean, though, that the young Trill will go down without a fight. Crossover with Star Trek: Journey.
Off Site 2003.03.31
Joseph Manno USS Liberty
'Tom,' 'Dick' and Harry During Harry Kim's time at Starfleet Academy, he and Libby Lattimore have the 'perfect' relationship: For a young woman, this is a cause for celebration... while for a younger man, it's reason for abject terror.
And what a difference a day makes.
Rated NC-17 for graphic sexuality and adult situations.
Off Site 2003.03.11
Joseph Manno USS Liberty
Asklepios' Dilemma Book Four, TALES OF THE 13th FLEET: War's cruel realities are never more apparent than when innocents become victims in a distant cause. And for the 13th, the true definition of 'acceptable losses' becomes a matter of life and death---not only for those needing aid, but the saviors themselves.
Off Site 2002.10.11
Joseph Manno USS Liberty
Off the Beaten Path As she closes one door behind her, another opens for former Cadet Jean Hajar... and the troubled young woman sets out to make a life for herself away from her shattered Starfleet dream. Not everyone, though, shares Jean's hopeful vision of her future. Rated NC-17 for violence and graphic sexuality.
Off Site 2002.09.15
Joseph Manno USS Liberty
Nature of the Beast When fellow Starfleet officer and Orion animal woman Aedra Anari is imperiled, Vaerth Parihn hazards career, freedom and life to save the girl from a terrible future---knowing failure could mean her own death... or worse, sharing that destiny herself. Rated NC-17 for violent, graphic sexuality, profanity and mature situations.
Off Site 2002.07.25
Joseph Manno USS Liberty
Galatea Unveiled Book Two of THE LIBERTY INCIDENT finds the ship and crew adrift in unknown space after an accident at Utopia Planitia. The way home is unclear, perhaps impossible... and the creativity of a guilt-ridden Sera MacLeod, even as she shoulders the blame, remains the key to their eventual salvation.
Off Site 2002.02.09
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