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Crystyl Cloud
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Ann Carise, Crystyl Cloud Through the Valley
ST:TTV608 | "Echo of Future's Past Pt. I" After returning to find Terminu decimated, all hope seems lost for the war effort. That is until an untimely arrival as the repercussions of their decision not to act come back to haunt them. While everyone else deals with faces from the future, Lendaria must deal with one from her past, and Emma finally gets to welcome Rianni home as she returns from her mission on the Terran vessel.
Off Site 2023.03.31
Ann Carise, Crystyl Cloud Through the Valley
ST:TTV609 | "Echo of Future's Past Pt. II" After returning to find Terminu decimated, all hope seems lost for the war effort. That is until an untimely arrival as the repercussions of their decision not to act come back to haunt them. While everyone else deals with faces from the future, Lendaria must deal with one from her past, and Emma finally gets to welcome Rianni home as she returns from her mission on the Terran vessel.
Off Site 2023.03.31
Ann Carise, Crystyl Cloud Through the Valley
ST:TTV607 | "A Pirate's Life" Kelly and Eva work with Sin's help to correct their accidental transposition with unexepcted consequences for everyone. While the Valley Forge suffers another twist of fate to keep them from supporting the Coalition at Terminu, things heat up for those who are there as the An city ship is threatened by a Horde boarding attempt...
Off Site 2023.03.31
Ann Carise, Crystyl Cloud Through the Valley
ST:TTV606 | "Anarchy" The crew of the Valley Forge prove their prowess in handling this unpredictable region of space when calling out a fake a distress signal. Kelly and Eva have less success when attempting to refine LT Dra's recently discovered ability with unexpected results...
Off Site 2023.03.31
Ann Carise, Crystyl Cloud Through the Valley
ST:TTV605 | "Window to the Past" The Valley Forge joins forces with their newest allies in the defense against the Horde - the Guardians - in their first real offensive of the campaign when they move to retake a high priority target from the Horde's control. LT Dra learns that her recent reconstruction at the hands of the Architect may not have been as straightforward as she first imagined...
Off Site 2023.03.31
Ann Carise, Crystyl Cloud Through the Valley
ST:TTV603 | "The Arena" Following a lead presented by the allied coalition, the Valley Forge heads for a notorious regional tournament of gladiators. Said to attract only the bravest and strongest warriors from across this corner of the galaxy, there's only one person on the mission who could stand a chance of being crowned Grand Champion and earning the much needed audience with the Zihil.
Off Site 2023.03.31
Ann Carise, Crystyl Cloud Through the Valley
ST:TTV602 | "Demons" As promised, the Regulators arrive to render assistance to the Terminu recovery project. However, their arrival sparks a surprising role reversal when Captain Keelah suddenly finds herself in the position of analyzing the Regulators technology. Fortunately, they have one person on board with experience of this prohibited technology.
Off Site 2023.03.31
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