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Epiphany Trek (EPTR)
"The Age of Discovery is Only Beginning" Adventure and discovery within multiple settings of the Star Trek Universe. Sail with Captain Taraban and the USS Questing, Captain James Timothy Kirk and the USS Kongo, or Captain Nelson and the USS Grant. Seek justice on High Crystal Station with Constable Terkos, or adventure in other places and times. |
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Garry Stahl | Star Trek fan fiction http://phoenixinn.iwarp.com/startrek/gs_trek.htm |
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Put the 10 latest Epiphany Trek stories on your webpage!
Garry Stahl Epiphany Trek
The Sins of the Sons Forty years after the end of the Romulan War, Professor Richard Barnard is called again to serve the Federation. Handed a political hot potato can one old man discover the Sins of the Sons?
Off Site 2005.11.01
Garry Stahl Epiphany Trek
The Long Patrol The Kongo takes station in the outer sectors for a patrol of exploration. New complications, and a message from the past, change her plans
Off Site 2006.03.28
Epiphany Trek
Contact In the nascent Federation disaster strikes, a silent enemy, the Romulans.
Captain Nelson and the USS Ulysses Grant are sent after a subspace signal in hopes of finding the Federation allies in this desperate fight. What they find might not be to everyone's liking.
Off Site 2005.08.30
Garry Stahl Epiphany Trek
The Spoils of War With public denial at an all time high, Admiral Richard Barnard takes matters, and a saucy woman reporter, into the field on a desperate rescue mission. Will the newly commissioned Daedalus be up to the tasks demanded of her?
Off Site 2005.10.11
Garry Stahl Epiphany Trek
The Duel A Tale of High Crystal Station. Chief Constable Terkos faces off with a criminal nuisance in a high stakes battle of wits that neither may win.
Off Site 2005.09.26
Epiphany Trek
To the Victor Captain Nelson and The Grant are sent into the teeth of the war. Denial on the home front and the lengthening casualty list make for a difficult mission. Can they maintain morale and return the victors?
Off Site 2005.09.09
Epiphany Trek
The Flight The dogs of war are restless in their kennels, yet man has been given his greatest hope. Jerry LaSaille flees the coming storm, and muses over the reasons why. Set in the mid-21st century.
Off Site 2005.08.05
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