Series Profile
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Fifth Voyager (FTHV)
Fifth Voyager is the name of the AU fanfiction series based on Star Trek Voyager. It stars the original main cast along with several new others: James, the son that Janeway left with the father nineteen years before Voyager's launch. His overly sensitive best friend Jessica. Craig, the young teenaged son of a deceased Maquis crewmember. Damien, the bumbling villain wannabe. And last but not least, the two later additions to the Janeway family, daughters Morgan and Kiara. -- If you like any of the fic you've read, there's a button at the bottom of it's file labelled "Vote For (ep title)" you can click to let me know.
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Marill WStar Trek fan fiction
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Marill W
Fifth Voyager
FV3.04 - Death of the Night
Voyager and the Enterprise leave orbit of New Earth to get supplies from a nearby inhabited planet. But during their stay some strange things start happening.
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Marill W
Fifth Voyager
B4FV 1.06 - Light the Fire
As Janeway worries some of the crew with her behaviour, James & Jessie try to sort out their relationship. Meanwhile Janeway confirms her terrible secret which causes chaos.
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Marill W
Fifth Voyager
FV3.03 - Here & Now
James and Lena discover a human child living on New Earth, her origins cause quite a stir between Voyager's higher ranks.
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Marill W
Fifth Voyager
B4FV 1.05 - Phage
Neelix gets attacked on an away mission and his lungs are stolen. Meanwhile Janeway and Chakotay are getting sick of certain crewmembers, and they force them on an away mission to be rid of them for a while.
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Marill W
Fifth Voyager
FV3.02 - New Earth
The crew become at risk when one of their own cracks, two weeks after the death of a loved one.
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Star Trek fan fiction at Trek Writer's Guild
Marill W
Fifth Voyager
B4FV 1.04 - Time & Again
Janeway and James become trapped a day in the past on a doomed planet. As that is happening Tom's attempts to be Jessie's 'friend' goes horribly wrong.
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Marill W
Fifth Voyager
B4FV 1.03 - The Eye of Ramn
Third prequel episode of the alternate reality series, Fifth Voyager. Jessie gets a strange alien bracelet as a birthday present, and it causes her to swap bodies with an alien girl.
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Marill W
Fifth Voyager
B4FV 1.02 - Parallax
Second prequel episode of the alternate reality series, Fifth Voyager. As soon as B'Elanna starts to settle into her new job, Tom gets into trouble with the Marquis crewmembers.
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Marill W
Fifth Voyager
B4FV 1.01 - Caretaker
First prequel episode of the alternate reality series, Fifth Voyager. Voyager and the Maquis are thrown into the Delta Quadrant.
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Marill W
Fifth Voyager
FV2.28 - Man Out Of You
James' abusive father shows up on alien ship and causes quite a stir onboard Voyager.
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Star Trek
Evil Must Be Opposed.
-- Vedek Yassim,

(DS9: Rocks and Shoals)
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Launched December 2004, (Version 1.0) is a readers resource from Trek Writer's Guild. This website is a collaboration between the many TWG/SotF authors and Mediaboy Productions. All stories are original and copyrighted by the respective authors under United States law, as well as every other country that matters. (Including Canada) All graphics are original and copyrighted, either separately or collaborativly, by Mediaboy Productions and/or others as specified. The stories and graphics on this site may not be copied, reprinted, or reposted without express and written permission of the original creators. Trek Writer's Guild is in no way affiliated with Paramount Pictures Inc. Star Trek : Enterprise ( Archer T'Pol Reed Tucker Hoshi ), Star Trek ( Kirk Spock Bones McCoy Scotty Enterprise ), Star Trek: The Next Generation ( Picard Data Riker Worf Enterprise ), Star Trek: Deep Space Nine ( Sisko Dax O'Brian Odo Quark Kira Defiant ), Star Trek: Voyager ( Voyager Janeway Chakotay Tuvok Paris Torres Be'lanna Neelix Seven of Nine ) are property and copyright of Paramount Pictures Inc. These properties are used in good faith by the authors of Trek Writer's Guild, to further the human adventure through positive storytelling.