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USS Liberty (LBTY)
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Joseph Manno, Johnny CallStar Trek fan fiction
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Joseph Manno
USS Liberty
Orphans and Strays
Another in the series of tales serving to fill in the blanks of Liberty characters' pasts finds Luciano Mantovanni both speaking about a Vulcan-influenced upbringing, and relaying the account of his participation in an important coming-of-age ritual that, during the course of its occurrence, became much more.
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Joseph Manno
USS Liberty
A Room of Her Own
Book Two in the TALES OF THE 13th FLEET cycle finds Captains Luciano Mantovanni and Erika Donaldson at odds over the actions and fate of Adventurous' brilliant, troubled chief engineer, Taylor Maxwell. Meanwhile, the 13th prepares for combat... and the Cardassians close in for the kill. Crossover with USS Adventurous.
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Joseph Manno
USS Liberty
Ulterior Motives, Part One
The personnel of USS Liberty and USS Prometheus find themselves at odds when each captain is called on to attend a summit critical in setting Starfleet policy. Can the crews settle their differences and work together, or will their unknown opponent retain the upper hand? Crossover with Star Trek: Prometheus.
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Joseph Manno
USS Liberty
Liberty and Justice
Former Starfleet Captain Erika Benteen has spent three years languishing in a prison cell at the Dalarian Prime Penal Facility. Unfortunately, over the last few months, she's had to serve harder time than anyone on the outside could know... and if her captors have their way, that may never end.
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Joseph Manno
USS Liberty
Rank and Privilege
In another story detailing some of the history and background of Liberty core characters, a young Luciano Mantovanni runs afoul of his new commanding officer, Hikaru Sulu, aboard the USS Excelsior... and it's not clear if their conflict is professional, personal--or both.
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Star Trek fan fiction at Trek Writer's Guild
Joseph Manno
USS Liberty
Wolves and Vixens
The first chapter in the TALES OF THE 13th FLEET saga finds USS Liberty on the wrong side of the lines as the Dominion War begins; and while misery may love company, Mantovanni and his crew have mixed emotions. Crossover with Star Trek: USS Adventurous.
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Joseph Manno
USS Liberty
Love/Hate Relationships
The second of two planned Deep Space Nine crossovers finds Luciano Mantovanni's past, present and possible future combining in what proves to be explosive fashion. Meanwhile, Dr. Aiello's enthusiasm for sightseeing takes an interesting turn. Guest starring Jonozia Lex and Kate Sheridan of Star Trek: The Adventures of Argus, and Matthew Stuart of Star Trek: Agamemnon
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Joseph Manno
USS Liberty
Following Yonder Star
The holiday tale features guest appearances by Admiral Alexander Pierce and Captain Sa'lanna of Star Trek: Liberator, as well as Captain Erika Donaldson of Star Trek: Adventurous. When the crew is thwarted in its attempt to reach Earth in time for Christmas, Captain Mantovanni decides on a special diversion--and destination.
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Joseph Manno
USS Liberty
Home Again
While this isn't precisely a Star Trek: Liberty tale, a certain Sicilian captain (well, lieutenant then) makes a brief but pivotal appearance. In 2293, Captain Sulu and the crew of the Excelsior get more than they bargained for when ferrying an infamous ambassador home. For those of you who wonder whatever happened to Garth of Izar, this might answer some questions.
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Joseph Manno
USS Liberty
Patience is a Virtue
Listen in as Admiral Aktar T'Deran schools a new generation of Star Navy officers in the finer points of starship command -- what to do; and, more importantly, what NOT to do -- as guest author Kenneth Gauck gives us a look at military history and doctrine from a Romulan perspective.
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Launched December 2004, (Version 1.0) is a readers resource from Trek Writer's Guild. This website is a collaboration between the many TWG/SotF authors and Mediaboy Productions. All stories are original and copyrighted by the respective authors under United States law, as well as every other country that matters. (Including Canada) All graphics are original and copyrighted, either separately or collaborativly, by Mediaboy Productions and/or others as specified. The stories and graphics on this site may not be copied, reprinted, or reposted without express and written permission of the original creators. Trek Writer's Guild is in no way affiliated with Paramount Pictures Inc. Star Trek : Enterprise ( Archer T'Pol Reed Tucker Hoshi ), Star Trek ( Kirk Spock Bones McCoy Scotty Enterprise ), Star Trek: The Next Generation ( Picard Data Riker Worf Enterprise ), Star Trek: Deep Space Nine ( Sisko Dax O'Brian Odo Quark Kira Defiant ), Star Trek: Voyager ( Voyager Janeway Chakotay Tuvok Paris Torres Be'lanna Neelix Seven of Nine ) are property and copyright of Paramount Pictures Inc. These properties are used in good faith by the authors of Trek Writer's Guild, to further the human adventure through positive storytelling.