Series Profile
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Starfleet Marines (SFM)
Starfleet Marines follows the missions and adventures of the ground forces branch of Starfleet. From battles of the Dominion War to peacetime action, including skirmishes with Romulans, Klingon rebels, Maquis, and even the Borg, SFM is a grunt's-eye view of the 24th century.
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Domenico BettinelliStar Trek fan fiction
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Domenico Bettinelli
Starfleet Marines
A Planet Too Far - Chapter Eleven
The Starfleet Marine division continues landing troops on the Dominion-held planet of Callessus III, but their beachhead is precarious. Transporters are being blocked and the shuttles are vulnerable. Tony Martinez must bring down those transport inhibitors.
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Domenico Bettinelli
Starfleet Marines
A Planet Too Far - Chapters Nine and Ten
The continuing story of a Marine divisional assault on a Dominion-held world during the Dominion War. The Starfleet division begins landing as the Domininion counterattacks.
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Domenico Bettinelli
Starfleet Marines
A Planet Too Far - Chapter Eight
The continuing story of a Marine divisional assault on a Dominion-held war during the Dominion War. On the eve of the assault, all the players prepare themselves to enter a new phase of the war.
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Domenico Bettinelli
Starfleet Marines
A Planet Too Far
During the Dominion War, a division of Starfleet Marines must take a Dominion-controlled planet that has become a major intelligence-gathering outpost. Recon Marines, fleets of ships, fighter battles and more. Clancy-style.
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Evil Must Be Opposed.
-- Vedek Yassim,

(DS9: Rocks and Shoals)
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Launched December 2004, (Version 1.0) is a readers resource from Trek Writer's Guild. This website is a collaboration between the many TWG/SotF authors and Mediaboy Productions. All stories are original and copyrighted by the respective authors under United States law, as well as every other country that matters. (Including Canada) All graphics are original and copyrighted, either separately or collaborativly, by Mediaboy Productions and/or others as specified. The stories and graphics on this site may not be copied, reprinted, or reposted without express and written permission of the original creators. Trek Writer's Guild is in no way affiliated with Paramount Pictures Inc. Star Trek : Enterprise ( Archer T'Pol Reed Tucker Hoshi ), Star Trek ( Kirk Spock Bones McCoy Scotty Enterprise ), Star Trek: The Next Generation ( Picard Data Riker Worf Enterprise ), Star Trek: Deep Space Nine ( Sisko Dax O'Brian Odo Quark Kira Defiant ), Star Trek: Voyager ( Voyager Janeway Chakotay Tuvok Paris Torres Be'lanna Neelix Seven of Nine ) are property and copyright of Paramount Pictures Inc. These properties are used in good faith by the authors of Trek Writer's Guild, to further the human adventure through positive storytelling.