Resource Profile
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Character Biography
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Rank: Captain
Position and Station: Commanding Officer of the U.S.S. Phoenix-X
Age: 520
Place Of Birth: The Changeling Homeworld
Sex: Male
Species: Changeling / Omni'X
Education: Starfleet Academy, (plus more)
Tour of Duty: See below
Height: 5'9" (changeable)
Weight: 170 lbs. (changeable)
Hair Color: Black (changeable)
Eye Color: Brown (changeable)
Interests: Dragonball-Z Holodeck Programs

Cell chose to leave the homeworld of the Changelings after a disagreement with the others. He followed a friend back to the Alpha Quadrant where he spent the Centuries learning and exeriencing different things.

In the mid 2200's he joined Starfleet out of curiosity and the impression that he was Human. A Century later, he would continue in Starfleet making the ranks until recieving his own ship, the undercover Phoenix-X.

With an agreement involving Section 31 keeping him and the technologies on the ship secret, he would find his place here on this ship. It would be later on that he would change his name from Daniel to Cell.

In 2376, an omnipotent race spread the galaxy giving mortals a fraction of thier power so that the mortals would learn to grow with it and eventually join their Continuum. Cell was one of these mortals and took on the power without consent. To this day, his power remains as with many like him throughout the galaxy.
Resource By:Hawku
Posted: 2005.07.14
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Deep Space Nine
Evil Must Be Opposed.
-- Vedek Yassim,

(DS9: Rocks and Shoals)
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