- Rank: None
- Position and Station: Medical Physician and Covert Ops Specialist, Helix
- Age: 22
- Place Of Birth: Terok Nor (now called Deep Space Nine), then in orbit of Bajor
- Sex: Female
- Species: Bajoran
- Education: Medical and forensics training, chemical engineering training
- Tour of Duty: See below.
- Height: 5'8"
- Weight: 115 lbs.
- Hair Color: Red
- Eye Color: Brown
- Interests: Meditation with a cup of non-replicated coffee
After losing her family during the Cardassian Occupation, Jaxa Jann transformed from a holistic doctor to a cold, vicious terrorist. Responsible for the Ogun Virus (a DNA-specific plague that wiped out a section of the Cardassian military), she was caught and sentenced to death. After tricking Team Helix into helping him, Kyle K'nar rescued her and persuaded her to join the team. Known as the 'wild card' of the team, Jaxa chooses to show little empathy when she treats patients or when she assassinates enemies. The combination of beautiful healer and vicious killer makes the rest of the team wonder where her loyalties lie. After a mishap with the Prophet's Orb Of Time, she has been plagued with frightening visions of a future where the galaxy has gone mad. An intergalactic war that will destroy everything could come to pass, and Alex Garrett may be the anomaly that causes it; therefore, she keeps herself close him to either help him stop it or kill him to stop it from happening. |
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