- Rank:
- Position and Station: Tactical Officer and Away Team Specialist, Helix
- Age: 48
- Place Of Birth: Trill
- Sex: Male
- Species: Trill (joined)
- Education:
- Tour of Duty: See below.
- Height: 6'5"
- Weight: 270 lbs.
- Hair Color: Brown
- Eye Color: Brown
- Interests: Sparring with Mia Gan-An'War on the holodeck and drinking Romulan ale
The K'Nar symbiont has lived over seven lifetimes, all of which were as a soldier fighting one lost cause or another. After being joined with Kyle, K'nar's latest tour of duty was with the Bajoran Resistance, fighting the Cardassian occupation of Bajor. When he was imprisoned for hijacking a Federation shuttle, Kyle K'nar was later transfer to serve out his prison term with Team Helix. K'Nar is a person who always has a hidden agenda. After realizing that the Kyle host is in his declining years, the K'nar symbiont has been searching, trying to find a suitable new host for himself; preferably someone within Team Helix. K'nar is trained in all known martial art techniques and most weapon techniques. |
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