- Rank: Captain
- Position and Station: Commanding Officer, USS Toronto
- Date of Birth: April 20, 2345
- Place Of Birth: Buffalo, New York, Earth
- Sex: Female
- Species: Human
- Education: Graduated: Starfleet Academy in 2367
- Tour of Duty: See below
- Height: 5'9"
- Weight: 120 lbs.
- Hair Color: Brown
- Eye Color: Blue
- Interests: Reading, working out, and swimming
After graduating from Starfleet Academy in 2367, Mellisa Larson served aboard the USS Ontario as the conn officer at the rank of Ensign until 2368, when she was promoted to Lieutenant junior grade and obtained the position of the main conn officer. She retained this position until 2370. In that same year, Larson was promoted to Lieutenant full grade and stayed at her position aboard the Ontario. In 2375, Mellisa Larson transfered to the crew of the USS Toronto where she served as operations manager at the rank of Lieutenant Commander until 2376. In 2376, she was forced to take command of Toronto when Captain Sheerin (the Toronto's commmanding officer at the time), his first officer, and his second officer were killed in the Battle for Deep Space Nine. After the Battle for Deep Space Nine, Larson was promoted to the rank of Commander and to the station of executive officer of USS Toronto under Captain Charles Harkness in 2376. Later in that same year, Larson was promoted to the rank of Captain. After the death of Harkness, Larson took the position of commanding officer of the Starship Toronto. |
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