- Rank: Lieutenant Commander
- Position and Station: Chief of Security and Tactical and Second Officer, USS Argus
- Date of Birth: 2380 (possible future)
- Place Of Birth: USS Voyager (possible future)
- Sex: Female
- Species: Human
- Education: Graduated: Refresher courses at Starfleet Academy and practical training
- Tour of Duty: See below
- Height:
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- Hair Color:
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- Interests:
Born in 2380 on the missing USS Voyager, little is known about Kate Sheridan's past up until she was discovered by the USS Constitution in 2371. The discovery was made only two months after the USS Voyager's disappearance. She is believed to be the daughter of Lieutenant Philip Sheridan and Captain Kathryn Janeway in undisclosed circumstances. Her parentage was confirmed by a DNA test. It was also discovered that she had intensive Starfleet security training and was apparently Chief of Security aboard Voyager just prior to her leaving the Voyager in 2405 to return to the past. After extensive security checks and a refresher course at Starfleet Academy, Sheridan was given the field commission of Lieutenant and assigned to the USS Intrepid as a junior security officer, allowing her to put her fifteen years of practical experience aboard the Voyager to good use. Briefly assigned to the USS Sovereign in 2373, Sheridan was noticed by the then-Lieutenant Commander Jonozia Lex, who recognised an untapped talent. When Lex took command of the USS Argus two months later, he gave her the position of security chief/ tactical officer. The death of the operations officer in a warp core accident late in 2373 left the Argus without a second officer, a position which Lex gave to Kate Sheridan, promoting her to Lieutenant Commander in the process as well. Despite her high position aboard the Argus and the trust Lex placed in her, she believes that Starfleet does not fully trust her. This belief partially diminished when she led a team to recapture the USS Prometheus in 2374. The team discovered Voyager's Emergency Medical Hologram, proving that Voyager was still out there trying to make her way home; however, Sheridan's inability to detect that her second-in-command was a changeling brought her under greater scrutiny from Admiral Parker. |
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