Located 7.8 light years from Earth in the constellation Leo, Wolf 359 was the site of one of the most horrendous battles in the history of the Federation (see Battle of Wolf 359). Attempting to prevent an invasion, 39 starships of various classes, under the command of Admiral J.P. Hanson, engaged a single Borg cube. The result was a massive graveyard of ships, with the loss of 11,000 lives. Amongst the vessels lost were the Starships Tolstoy, Kyushu, Melbourne, Saratoga, Roosevelt, Princeton, Gage, Firebrand, Buran, Chekov, Bellerephon, Bonestell, Ahwahnee, and Rebellious (majority of these ships established in "Best of Both Worlds, Part Two" [TNG], but Bellerephon, Gage, and Saratoga established in "Emissary" [DS9], Roosevelt established in "Unity" [VGR], and Rebelious established in "Futile Resistance" [CANT]). The Wolf 359 system is the fourth closest to Earth. |
 Borg Cube  Destruction Of The USS Melbourne |
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2003.02.20 |
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