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USS Phoenix-X
U.S.S. Phoenix-X
Multi-Vector Class
Type: Tech, and Attack Cruiser
Comissioned: 2374 - unknown
Dimensions: Length 415m, Beam 163m, Height 64m
Decks: 15
Mass: 2 100 000 metric tons
Crew: 175
Command: Captian Cell, Commander Siefer

- 12 x Type XII Phaser Arrays, total output 85 000 TeraWatts
- 2 x Pulse fire Quantum/Photon/Slipstream torpedo tubes + 290 torpedoes
Defence Systems:
- Lighting Shield System, total capacity 6 915 000 TeraJoules
- Borg Regeneration Hull, Double Duranium/Tritanium, plus 18 cm Ablative armour
- High level Structural Integrity Field
Stealth System:
- Klingon Cloaking Device
Power Transfer System:
- Tri-Focal Beam, total capacity 1 815 000 TeraJoules
Tractor System:
- Tractor Beam, strength index 2000
Warp Speeds:
- Normal Cruise: 8
- Maximum Cruise: 9.95
- Maximum Speed: 9.99
Transwarp Speeds:
- Normal Cruise: 5
- Maximum Cruise: 8
- Maximum Speed: 8.1
Ultra-Transwarp Speeds:
- Normal Cruise: 0
- Maximum Cruise: 0
- Maximum Speed: 1
Strength Indices (Galaxy class = 1,000):
- Beam Firepower: 1800
- Torpedo Firepower: 6150
- Weapon Range and Accuracy: 1475
- Shield Strength: 1950
- Hull Armour: 3200
- Speed: 5125
- Combat Manoeuvrability: 5000
Overall Strength Index: 3340 Diplomatic Capability: 2 Expected Hull Life: 120 Refit Cycle: - Minor: 2 years - Standard: 2 years - Major: 12 years Shuttle Bay: - 5 x Type 18 Shuttle - 8 x Hellonesian Jumpers
Resource By:Hawku
Posted: 2005.05.31
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Dark Horizon
Evil Must Be Opposed.
-- Vedek Yassim,

(DS9: Rocks and Shoals)
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